We are happy to assist you with answers to your questions.

FICO's research shows that opening several credit accounts in a short period of time represents greater credit risk. your FICO Scores can be lower as a result.

There is currently no negative listing that hasn’t been repaired and or removed from credit reports, thousands of times. Some are certainly more difficult and take longer but this has more to do with operational systems at the bureaus rather then severity of the item. Through our process we have successfully removed any kind of item you can think of.

We are fast and efficient. Each case is unique and it would be improper to promise a particular result within a specific time frame. However, the credit bureaus have 30-45 days to investigate and respond to a consumer’s dispute, so as a client of Step 1 Credit you will receive your first dispute results in about 45-60 days.

Very often. Studies show that there is a 79% error rate with credit reports.

We will work on any new negative items added to your credit report that you ask us to. It is important to understand new negative items are more difficult to remove and can cause a great deal damage to your credit scores. We are happy to assist you by working on any new negative items that have been added to your credit report.

Yes. Your Credit Alliance is registered as a credit services organization through the Secretary of State. Our company carries surety bonds as required by various state laws.

Will my personal information be shared? Your credit alliance needs some personal information in order to successfully repair your credit report on your behalf. With that being said rest assured that your personal information will not be shared with any outside parties or affiliates. Limited information such as name, address and social security numbers will be shared with the credit bureaus in order to verify your identity.

This sometimes happens either by accident or a creditor has eventually verified a particular item. If this happens the credit bureau must send you a notification letter within 5 days of reinsertion. The FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Agency) has made it much more difficult for a creditor to re insert an item once it has been removed. If added by mistake, Your Credit Alliance will re-challenge the item in full force.

WCan you guarantee to remove my negative items? No company can guarantee results. The law does not allow for companies to guarantee removal of negative information and falls under false claims and deceptive advertising, a clear violation of the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA). No one can remove accurate, verifiable and complete information from your credit file.

Can I repair my credit myself? The answer is yes. It is a complicated, timely and tedious process to restore your own credit without the help from a professional. Just like a person who tries to perform automobile repairs on their own, if they do not have the knowledge they can cause more damage. Hiring a professional. to restore your credit will ensure fast and accurate results.

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, credit bureaus are not allowed to give credit information to third parties, unless they meet certain criteria, such as determining creditworthiness, employee candidate screening, or insurance underwriting. This is why it is necessary for you to individually request your credit report and then forward it to us.

We can only remove items that show to be inaccurate, outdated, or unverifiable. However, MANY items on most people's reports could fall into one of those categories.

It is your right to ensure that every item on your credit report is accurate. If any information on your credit report is inaccurate, incomplete or unverifiable it must be corrected or removed from your credit report. Disputing items on your credit report is your right and you legally can request that questionable information be removed from your reports. For additional information please visit, The Fair Credit Reporting Act, Fair Debt Collections Practice Act and Fair Credit Billing Act, which all afford you the legal right to dispute items with the credit bureaus and individual